Scott Jennings Pulls Hilarious Reversal During Argument About X With Fellow CNN Panelists

November 26, 2024

If you’re not an X user, I can safely say you’re missing out on a great free speech platform that gives you the news faster than any corporate organization can, and what’s more, it is ideologically balanced, as all good platforms should be.  Elon Musk’s platform isn’t just a breath of fresh air, it easily changed the conversational landscape and, as a result, affected the political one. As free speech spread, the Democrat Party and the left lost its narrative edge, collapsing multiple attempts to push lies that may very well have shaped public opinion for the worse. If you want proof that X is effective enough to shape the people’s opinion, look no further than the fact that CNN talking heads are mad about it. They don’t even want to discuss any positive reporting about it… even if it comes from CNN. Scott Jennings was, once again, on a panel taking on his colleagues when the subject of X came up. “I saw a survey this week,” Jennings began. “It’s now the most ideologically balanced user platform of any platform.” Before he could even finish that sentence, fellow CNN Cari Champion was already trying to shut him down. She attempted to tell him “you cannot say that,” which is actually a phrase you’ll find repeated at Jennings quite often during these back and forths.Host Audie Cornish asked for a source, causing Champion to ask for one as well, but Jennings, a man who clearly plays 4D chess, was ready with the answer.  “We’ve reported it on this network,” said Jennings. Champion’s only recourse was to say that CNN’s reporting on X was “not accurate.” Cornish didn’t let Jennings speak again, though he was clearly ready to, but you can see just how radical the leftists on the panel were when the question was posed if they would worry if Bill Gates bought MSNBC, to which Champion responded “no, because he’s sane.” 

Bill Gates reportedly had a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and he wants us to eat crickets. He also wanted us to lockdown for years. Real sane stuff.The report Jennings referred to was one last week. CNN admitted that X represents voters in the U.S. “far better” than ever before. “The party ID among those who regularly use X/Twitter for news — back in 2022, 65% of those who regularly used Twitter/X for news were Democrats,” said the CNN reporter. “Just 31% were Republicans.””Look at where we are today. Just a completely different picture. Now it’s basically split between Democrats at 48%, Republicans at 47%.”  “Now, this new overall makeup, matches the overall electorate FAR better,” he continued. 

So Champion was claiming that CNN’s own reporting on X wasn’t right, and her proof is apparently “trust me, bro.” So I guess even CNN doesn’t believe CNN. 

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